Scarring from acne breakouts is another issue that you may encounter in addition to the condition itself. In the same way that other scars can last for months or even years, the scars left by cystic acne or picking at the skin can do so for the same amount of time. For acne scars, radiofrequency (RF) microneedling can be an effective treatment option.
Acne scarring and other skin conditions respond well to the RF microneedling treatment. The process involves simultaneously applying radiofrequency waves and a fine small needling device to cause skin injury. Through its elimination of scar tissue, this process makes way for the growth of new, healthy skin. In addition, it promotes the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for your skin’s natural tone.
How to Recognize an Acne Scar and What It Looks Like?
Damage to the skin caused by acne lesions triggers the body’s repair mechanisms, which include the formation of new collagen fibres. Acne scars, whether they be on the face or elsewhere, can result when the body fails to properly create these new fibres. Acne scars come in varying degrees and can manifest as anything from a few noticeable bumps to a complete skin discoloration. They can be raised and reddish or brownish in colour, or they can be sunken.
If topical treatments for acne scars haven’t helped, you may want to consider more drastic measures. At the Glow and Go Best Dermatologist in lahore has been using microneedling to treat scars for years. Get rid of acne scars, dark spots, and pigmentation with our cutting-edge treatment option.
Scars of the ice pick, boxcar, or rolling variety are all possible outcomes of acne.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation; atrophic scarring; keloid and hypertrophic scarring.
Definitions of Different Atrophic Acne Scars
Icepick scars, which look like small pits or dots on the skin, are the most common form of atrophic acne scarring. They typically show up on the face, but they can also show up anywhere else on the body, like the arms or the back.
Like chickenpox scars, box scars are depressed areas that are either round or oval in shape.
Rolling scars are another form of atrophic scarring; they look like small waves on the skin’s surface and don’t have clear edges. Deep layers of your skin were irreversibly damaged, giving rise to these scars.
Acne scars, especially those that are hypertrophic or keloid
When the skin produces too much collagen while trying to heal from acne, it leaves a hypertrophic scar. The acne that caused these scars is the same size as the scars themselves. Rather than affecting your face, they manifest elsewhere on your body.
An overabundance of collagen production during the acne healing process can also cause keloid scarring. They are larger than hypertrophic scars, though. In addition to having a bumpy appearance, they can also cause bubble-like swelling on the skin.
Inflammatory after-pigmentation
As skin inflammation, acne often leaves a scar after it clears up. As your body repairs itself, it produces more melanin, which accounts for the discoloration.
Is RF micro needling effective in treating acne scars? Read on to find out how to inquire about the procedure’s efficacy and safety with a dermatologist.
In-Depth Exploration of the Trendy Microneedling RF Treatment: What Is It and Why Is It Used So Widely?
RF microneedling is the treatment of choice if you’re looking for a holistic approach that can address multiple skin concerns at once. Scars and wrinkles are just two examples of the skin problems it can fix. Clinical trials have shown promising results, and it may even help with the atrophic scars left behind by acne.
Clinics specialising in treating acne scars typically use a modified form of RF Microneedling. This ensures that the desired amount of Radiofrequency energy is delivered to the skin’s surface. In addition, the results of microneedling treatments can be improved by adding radiofrequency (RF), which aids in increasing collagen and elastin production in the skin.
Acne scars are not the only scars that RF microneedling can improve.
Microneedling with Radio Frequency Energy The “gold standard” scar treatment is effective for a wide variety of scar types, such as: Incisional scars
Scars can come in a variety of forms, including: wound scars, self-inflicted scars, acne scars, raised white scars (hypertrophic scars), and stretch marks.
(Recall that scars need to be fully healed before you can begin RF Microneedling treatment. Naturally healing scars should not be treated.
How often do RF Microneedling Sessions Need to be Performed to Treat Acne Scars?
Your skin is the largest organ in your body and the most unique part of you, making it impossible to say exactly how many treatments you will need. The “typical” number of sessions in such a course of treatment would be three to five, with three to four weeks in between each session. The good news is that you can continue to receive RF Microneedling scar treatments until you reach the desired results or until your skin no longer responds to the procedure.
How much do various therapies typically cost?
During your initial consultation with a skin specialist in Lahore, who specialises in treating acne scars, they will assess the severity of your scars and provide you with information about how much treatment will cost. The severity of your scarring and the number of sessions required to achieve desired results will determine your treatment timeline and budget.
Care Following Radiofrequency Microneedling for Acne Scars
After receiving this treatment, you may experience a few mild and short-lived side effects. Swelling, bruising, and redness are all possible side effects. On the bright side, these typically disappear after a few days.
However, for the first few days after your microneedling procedure, you should avoid direct sunlight and intense physical activity.
You should stay away from alcohol-based exfoliants and skin care products as it can amplify the negative effects. After skin needling, acne outbreaks may also occur. However, these should be minor and disappear without intervention. Don’t pick at your skin because it will only make the scars worse.
Drinking lots of water the day before and in the hours before your treatment can help reduce the chance of bruising and inflammation. Don’t show up to your appointment with your face painted either.
Summing Up
When compared to other, more invasive skin procedures, RF Microneedling for acne scars is considered a swift option. If you have any bruising or redness after your treatment, you can cover it up with a light face powder, but it’s best to wait a while before applying anything to your face. After finishing the treatment, most people go back to their regular routine.
RF microneedling for acne lesions may not be recommended if you are currently experiencing an acne outbreak. Additionally, the procedure is not recommended for those who suffer from rosacea or eczema, as it can make their conditions even worse.
If you have a history of scarring easily, you should talk to a Lahore skin care expert about your options before undergoing RF microneedling. Those who are pregnant or who have recently undergone radiation therapy to the skin should avoid this treatment.